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With our Kemenyan sold out and no other Indonesian oil in the AgarAura catalog for some weeks, I’m sure many of you guessed I would be releasing a new Borneo oud oil soon.

To date, I have released 5 main ‘genres’ of Borneo oud oils. There were the jungly and earthy types (Borneo Jewel, Borneo Symphony), fruity (Jiwa Borneo, Oud Malinau), utterly woody (Borneo Hutan), dark (Borneo Noir), and resinous (East Kalimantan LTD, Kemenyan).
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AgarAura’s 3-Year Anniversary

Guys, its been an amazing 3 years!

When I first launched AgarAura, I had no idea it was going to turn out to become what it is today. It started out as a hobby but to me its so much more than that now.

I’ve always been the artsy type. Having won first place at a national art competition at the age of 13, teaching myself classical Indian, Arabian and Persian musical structures, and my wedding gift to my wife being an oil painting I made… I was often posed the question what I was doing working at an accounting firm (PwC).

Having grown up in Saudi Arabia, I still remember clearly how my feet would just slow their pace when I passed an oud shop. It was as though the sizzling frankincense and bubbling oud chips were beckoning me.
Sure I loved staring at clouds, mountains and trees, trying to figure out how best to capture what I saw on canvas, but it was always perfumery that I found to be the most alluring.

AgarAura started out by offering only oud oils, and occasionally oud chips. Soon, I started designing my own distillations in an effort to create customized oud scents.

One day, I decided to make an oud-rose blend for my fiance. People who smelled my first oud-rose blend loved it so much that I decided to create a very unique blend and see how it fared with my customers. It was none other than Mukhallat Al-Naqi. I wanted to make it something very unique, and different from all other mukhallats/attars/perfumes/colognes. It was met with SO much appreciation that I ended up creating an entirely new line of products – oud-based blends. Exotic, friendly, and yet utterly different from anything people would have smelled before.

AgarAura became an outlet for my artistic side.
Accounting is drier than the Sahara. And married life sure doesn’t leave me much spare time for painting or other artsy activities. I quickly realized that designing my own custom distillations for oud oils and creating mukhallats proved to be the perfect way to satisfy my artistic urges.

But more than anything, AgarAura became my venue for meeting wonderful people around the world. More than just ‘customers’, I can proudly say that I now have friends in no less than 5 continents. I want to thank each and every one of you for not just your business, but for your friendship.

You’ll notice that there aren’t a lot of products in my catalog right now – in the past 6 months I have sold out of oils that I thought would have lasted a year in as little as a month.
So what’s in AgarAura’s pipelines? From what may be just about the most unusual Indian oud, the most pristine and delicate Borneo wild-agarwood extraction, oud oils from a country whose ouds I’ve never carried before, to more high quality oud-based blends, I look forward to releasing some very special products for your olfactory delight.
And as usual, I love to hear from you what you want. This past year I really tried to cater to customers’ requests, and not only were sales fantastic but the products were received with unprecedented love and appreciation.
I would like to encourage all of you to continue to share your suggestions with me. : )

Once again – thank you for your business. And thank you for your friendship!

Sultan Al-Hind

100% Pure Indian agarwood oilWhen people think of Indian oud, they immedietely think of Assam. Most Indian oud oils, including most of our previous offerings, have been distilled from agarwood from the province of Assam in India.

We are excited to introduce Sultan Al-Hind, our first oud oil from the province of Meghalaya – Sanskrit for ‘abode of clouds’. The combination of high altitude and being the wettest place on earth makes Meghalaya just about the most ideal place for agarwood trees to grow.

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